Parking Attendants
Ever wish to have a parking lot available just for you? Now you can make that wish come true for someone too.
Sign up today!
Staging Crew
If you like bringing order to chaos, this role is for you! The Staging Crew is all about working behind the scenes to ensure that the performers bring their focus only to their performance.
*SFAS tees will be available to the first five applicants*
God has made us all creative in our own unique ways & this is about getting hands on in building & creating the perfect ambience for the show.
Capture the picture perfect moments! Technical training & camera equipment (limited) provided.
Logistics & Clean Up Crew
Reserved for those with the purest of hearts & the highest of servants.
Jesus says the first shall be last & the last shall be the first.
Accountant *Position filled*
We believe storytelling is a talent & if you can tell a story with numbers, we want you!
Food & Beverages
Possess a passion for well-presented scrumptious food & seeing people with happy tummies?
Say no more, welcome to the team.
Do you have a big smile and a hearty handshake? Then join our SFAS usher team as we welcome everyone to a magical evening of spectacular performances.
Emcees (Prior experience required)
Speak! We are listening. So if you think you can emcee, we want you to be a part of the team. This role requires prior experience in public speaking and applicants will be vetted by the committee.
Elisabeth Tan
Tel no: 0421 752 886
Email: zph.sfas@gmail.com
1 PETER 4:10
Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.